Saturday, January 28, 2017

In this item of unusual length I give a survey of his blog, where the items are bundled according to theme. I do this also on my website, where you can download the bundles.

Items with more than 100 views are printed in bold. Items with more than 400 views are also underlined. Trust is  the most popular subject. Note that, of course, older items have had more time to accumulate views.

26 pieces on Knowledge, truth and invention: 7. Geometry and finesse, 23. From inside and outside, 24. Body and mind, 25. Forms of truth, 26. Pragmatism, 28. Realism?, 29. Object bias, 31. Invention, 35. The scripture of invention, 57. The value of difference, 104. Truth as argumentation, 106. Relativism, 157. What is rational?, 169. Truth on the move, 172. What do you have in mind? 173. Where does argumentation stop? 216. Theory, concept and fact, 245. Forms of realism, 246. Is it wrong to be right?, 260. What is an intellectual, 263. Order and disorder in thought, 264. Useful, warranted, or workable?, 270. Rationality unravelling, 271. Dumping the deep, 273. Philosophy, science and literature, 274. Is pragmatism conventional?, 294. Sceptical idealism, 295. The commons of truth. 

27 pieces on Ethics and morality : 5. Free will?, 38. Morality, 39. The good life, 40. Being in the world, 42. Fragility of goodness, 43. Justice, 48. Immorality of the group, 71. Judgements of good and bad,117. Habermas, 118. Debatable ethics , 119. Moral animals?, 120. Does reading literature make people better?, 125. Private and public virtues, 162. Obligation and virtue, 163. Virtue: emotions, nature and others, 164. Trust as virtue, 166. Guilt of unintended harm, 171. Realism and empathy, 174. Moral realism, 175. Morality of causes, 176. Moral failure, 177. Tolerance and forgiveness, 178. Moral instinct, 179. Moral robots?, 180. Economics is not free from values, 224. Ethics and justice, 230. The virtue of distinction. 

Eleven pieces on Nietzsche, nihilism and beyond: 19 Beyond nihilism: imperfection on the move 60. Nietzsche's error, 63. Nietzsche and Levinas, 64. Nietzsche, Levinas and me, 143. Forms of nihilism, 144. Response to nihilism 1, 145. Response to nihilism 2, 146. Meaning nihilism, 147. Beyond nihilism: Nietzsche, 148. Imperfection on the move, 149. Nietzsche as a pragmatist, 285. Nietzsche and Aristotle.

21 pieces on Self and Other: 6. Love, 46. Intolerance and altruism, 52. History of the self, 53. Narcissism, 54. Self interest, 55. Self and other, 56. Humanism, 57. The value of difference, 60. Nietzsche's error, 61. Levinas: Philosophy of the other, 65. Otherhumanism, 66. The value of collaboration, 76. How much community?, 108. The self as work in progress, 121. How does love work, 122. Commitment and choice, 124. Art, love and God, 134. Notions of the self, 205. Parochial altruism, 209. Identity and altruism in networks, 233. Constructive alienation.    

Thirteen pieces on Trust: 68. Trust, what is it?, 69. Sources of trust, 70. Forms of identification, 72. Uncertainty and openness, 73. Psychology of trust, 74. Roles of a go-between, 75. Horizontal control, 107. Hope and trust, 123. The destruction of distrust, 164. Trust as virtue, 196. Trust under stress, 292. The virtues of trust, 293. The rhetoric of trust.   

Nine pieces on Evolution: 27. Evolution, 28. Realism?, 29. Object bias, 30. Evolution in society, 46. Intolerance and altruism are instinctive, 82. Evolution in nature and art, 161. Play, invention and evolution, 195. The mystery of mathematics, 205. Parochial altruism.

Thirteen pieces on Puzzles in philosophy: 1. What philosophy, 2. Philosophical questions, 7. Geometry and finesse, 16. The problem of universals, 17. Universalism, 18. Change, 28. Realism?, 29. Object bias, 106. Relativism, 158. Analytical and continental philosophy, 184. Unity in diversity, 222. Forms of universals, 234. What is postmodernism? 

Nine pieces on Democracy, autocracy, and fascism: 47. How Nazist is present populism?, 127. Beneficial imperfection, 153. Response to authoritarianism, 160. History goes on, 165. Absolute terror, 181. In the face of terrorism, 227. The cultural roots of ISIS success, 236. The problem of multiculturalism, 241. Response to fascism? 

Fourteen pieces on Eastern and Western philosophy: 128. Eastern and Western philosophy, 129. What to make of East and West, 130. Confucius, 131. Neo-confucianism, 133. Religion and pragmatism, 133. Substance and appearance, 134. Notions of the self, 136. Productive ambiguity, 137: Yin and Yang: contrasts and complements, 138: Cycles of change: Yin/Yang and discovery, 139. Nietzsche and Eastern philosophy, 140. Montaigne on the move, 141. The soft power of Yin, 142. Limits of language  . 

Fifteen pieces on The human condition: 15. The human condition, 20. The Enlightenment, 21. Problems with the Enlightenment, 22. Romanticism, 24. Body and mind, 39. The good life, 40. Being in the world, 56. Humanism, 65. Otherhumanism, 77. Beyond Enlightenment and Romanticism, 116. Reason in the rise and fall of civilization, 197. Back to Enlightenment values?, 257. Liberal communitarianism, 283. What answer to populism , 286. Creative conflict and criticism, 296. Acting as in nature, 297. The citizen customer is king.

Eight pieces on Exit and voice:  123. The destruction of distrust, 164. Trust as virtue, 219. Voicetwitter and barking, 231. The temptation of exit, 232. Will robots have voice?, 233. Constructive alienation, 259. Voice and parrhesia, 286. Creative conflict and criticism.

Seven pieces on System tragedy:  109. Conspiracy, incompetence and system tragedy, 159. System rebellion, 187. System tragedy, 190. The script of financial crises, 206. Ideology and language games in the Greek crisis, 266. Rebellion, 268. Heidegger, Foucault, Wittgenstein, andhow to rebel. 

Nine pieces on Time, duration, and discontinuity: Bergson, Derrida, and Bachelard: 248. Connections with Bergson: The linguistic U-turn, 249. Duration: The whole and the parts,
250. Duration, process and invention, 251. Deconstruction, 252. Hermeneutics and literature, 253. Jamming time, 254. How stable is reality?, 255. Continuity and discontinuity, 256. Rest and restlessness.

Fourteen pieces on Art and Literature: 80. Art, 81. Serenity or exuberance?, 82. Evolution in nature and art, 83. Art and nature, 84. The universal and the specific in art, 88. Wabi Sabi, 89. Aesthetic judgement, 90. Ethics and education, 91. Stability and change, art and sex, 92. Free will and literature, 120. Does reading literature produce good people?, 124. Art, love and God, 252. Hermeneutics and literature, 273. Philosophy, science, and literature. 

Twelve pieces on The politics of virtue : 280. Plato and Aristotle, 281. Principles for combining virtue and freedom, 282. Policies for combining virtue and freedom, 284. Which virtues?, 285. Nietzsche and Aristotle, 286. Creative conflict and criticism, 287. The crisis of liberalism, 288. The politics of virtue, 289. Multiple causality of virtues, 290. What virtue debate?, 291. Need for a virtuous elite, 292. Virtues of trust. 

Five pieces on God and religion: 13. Which God?, 14. Religion without a God, 115. The success of theistic religion, 124. Art, love and God, 182. God as a goal?.

Two pieces on Basic income: 154. A basic income, 226. A basis for independence.

Two pieces on Robots: 179. Moral robots?, 232. Will robots have voice?

Eight pieces on Identity: 8. personal identity 9. cultural identity , 10. culture is not essential, 11. European identity?, 12. Tracing identity, 134. Notions of the self, 265. What is identity?, 272. How do you find your selves?

Five pieces on Culture: 236. The problem of multiculturalism, 237. The container of culture, 238. What universality in culture?, 239. Ideas, work and integration, 240. Flattening culture.

Six pieces on multiple causality: 96. Multiple causality, 97. Proximate and ultimate goals, 98. Science and policy, 99. Role models, 100. Explaining history, 289. Multiple causality of virtues. 

Eight pieces on meaning: 32. Meaning, 33. Prototype, 34. Practical prejudice, 36. Hermeneutics, 37. Meaning change,  105. Wittgenstein, 167. Word and object, 168. Word as process.  

Eight pieces on Power, Foucault: 50. Power, 51. Will to power, 212. Pervasive power, 213. The causality of power, 214. Language games of power, 215. Ideology, power and knowledge. 217. How power can destroy itself, 244. Zizek and Foucault.

Five more pieces on Foucault: 258. System power and self-indoctrination, 259. Voice and parrhesia, 260. What is an intellectual?, 261. The truth of Foucault, 262. The banality of evil.

Six pieces on A way out for socialism?: 150. Equality on the move, 151. New individualism, 152. New solidarity, 154. A basic income, 192. A way out for socialism?, 226. A basis for independence.

Six pieces on Levinas: 61. Levinas: philosophy of the other, 62: Levinas: justice?, 63. Nietzsche and Levinas, 223. Levinas and Lacan, 225. Rebellious capitalism, 242. Heidegger and Levinas. 

Three  pieces on Montaigne: 140. Montaigne on the move, 155. Scepticism, relativism and conservatism in Montaigne, 156. Montaigne and the mask of convention. 

Seven pieces on Heidegger:40. Being in the world, 90. Ethics, art and education, 108. The self as work in progress, 146. Meaning nihilism, 170. Wittgenstein and Heidegger as ethical opposites, 242. What response to fascism?, 243. Heidegger and Levinas.  

Five pieces on  Baudrillard: 110. Hyperreality, 111. Hyperidentity, 112. Loss of information, differentiation, and life, 113. Loss of responsibility, 114. Remedies?

Six pieces on Wittgenstein:  105. Wittgenstein, 170. Wittgenstein and Heidegger as ethical opposites, 172. What do you have in mind?, 174. Moral realism?, 214. Language games of power, 217. Language, nature and ethics.

Thirteen pieces on Fallen foundations, language games and crossing cultures: 260. What is an intellectual?, 261. The truth of Foucault, 263. Order and disorder in thought, 264. Useful, warranted or workable?, 266. Rebellion, 268. Heidegger, Foucault, Wittgenstein, and how to rebel, 272. How do you find yourselves, 273. Philosophy, science, and literature, 274. Is pragmatism conventional?, 275. Science and politics: how different are they?, 276. Habermas and Lyotard, 277. In search of a supergame, 278. Talking to the natives. 

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